Thursday, May 24, 2012

Looking for a New Mower? Consider Zero Turn!

Looking for a New Mower? Consider Zero Turn!

Alright... this is not a blog ONLY about zero turn mowers (I know my last two posts have been about zero turns). I just love them so much I had to write about them again!

Husqvarna Zero Turn
Zero turn mowers are pretty new to the consumer market and have unparalleled power and durability. They’re the consumer adaptation of commercial cutters and have special transmissions that help them cut closer and with more maneuverability than the push mower you grew up mowing your family’s yard with.

Pivoting 180 degrees, zero turn mowers easily maneuver around landscaping features without leaving circles of uncut grass. Plus, improved controllability often eliminates the need to use trimmers and lessens the physical strain on you.

If noise a concern in the neighborhood, check out the line-up of zero turn mowers from Snapper. Their 500Z series packs a ton of power but won’t bother your neighbors with large rear canister-type muffler on the Briggs V-Twin engines.

Riding Lawn Mower image from Snapper
Husqvarna, on the other hand, is no newcomer to the block. Having sold zero turns around the world for years, their mowers are new to American markets but fine-tuned. Check out their product line for high mowing decks and durability.

While pricier than standard lawn tractors or riding mowers, zero turn mowers are really versatile. Attachments enable you to mulch your grass clippings back into your lawn, bag yard clippings, and vacuum garden waste. John Deere has a huge selection.

To get a rundown on the best zero turn mowers on the market, check out the feature by Popular Mechanics on this new must-have lawn and garden equipment.